Community Service Hours Available Now!

We can get you approved, scheduled and started at a non-profit right away! Our program is $99. per month and we can help you get done fast! Just click the subscribe button below and make payment to get started today.

Why do we charge $99.00 ? That's a great question and the main reason is because we can help you to get your community service hours done as quickly and easily as possible. We do a lot of work to help our customers and every one of them say they are glad they spent the $ for this program. We also have a 100% money back guarantee. We know that we can help you with your community service and that you can get it done but if we cannot encourage you to complete your hours and you are not making any progress we will be happy to refund your payment. Our employees are trained to help you complete your hours no matter what your restrictions may be.

We have Community Service Hours available now. Community service hours are really hard to find! If you have called around, you have noticed that most places will not call you back and the ones that will call you back are going to tell you that they are not accepting anyone because of COVID or various other reasons. That's why we offer a full service option for people who need to start getting their community service hours done right away!

What exactly can we do for you ?

If this is your first time doing community service hours you may not be familiar with our service. What we do is we maintain a really big list of 501c(3) non-profit organization who welcome community service workers. We have agreements with many of these organizations to collect your information and schedule you for hours. Some of these locations may also have online work that you can complete from home. We also have all the sign-in sheets, time logs and completion letters to prove you finished your hours. We can keep track of your completed community service hours online and update the courts with your progress. We do not "sell" hours but we do sell information and help.

Our full-service option includes us searching for community service friendly non profits in your area, finding a court approved location that will accept you right away, helping you to complete hours on schedule, keeping your records and updating the courts until you’re finished. With this option you are guaranteed opportunity for hours every week. You can contact as many locations or worksites as you like and combine hours at different locations if your court allows.

Click below to get started now.

When you sign up for this full-service program you will be contacted either by text or by email by one of our community service professionals who will provide more instructions on your options and help you to get everything done as quickly and easily as possible. This program will make getting your community service hours done much easier and we will do everything we can to help you get done quickly. This program includes your own personal community service expert who will help you to get your hours done on time.

Questions about Community Service ?

Although we would like to help everyone with Court Ordered Community Service Options, there are thousands of people currently struggling to find court ordered community service worksites and we just cannot respond to individual questions until after you have registered with us and paid for our program. Please read below what some of our customers are saying about our service and if you are still unsure feel free to contact us again when you are ready to get started with your community service hours. and then we can then provide help with all your community service questions.

Google Reviews for Community Service

J.E. - a month ago
Truly wonderful and attentive service. If you get Amy, you are in great hands. They help you achieve your goal of doing and obtaining the hours you need. They get you there. Highly recommend this service.
M.M. - A year ago
I found myself in a situation where I had 5 days to re-do 30 hours of community service and couldn't find anywhere I could get more than 2-3 hrs at a time when I needed a way to be doing like, ten hour shifts. I stumbled upon community service 101 and I admit I was very skeptical about the fee. Why should I pay anyone to help me log community service hours, right? I don't even think I used the logging service. Within minutes of paying the fee at nearly 8pm on a Friday I got a call from xxx at Community service 101. He told me he was able to get me approved for 30 hrs worth of service at a nearby non profit, gave me all the details and I was good to go. Community service 101 worked with the non profit to verify my hours and they provided me with court approved paperwork just in time for my court date.
I hope to never find myself in this situation again but this is the only place I'll need to call if I do. see more reviews

Court Ordered Community Service

This page is part of the Community Service 101 website. After you have subscribed to our community service program and paid the program fee, you can get started right away at this Registration Page. Note - Please do not proceed to the registration page before you have made payment. Your community service will not be reviewed or counted unless you have made payment and enrolled in our program.
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