We have community service hours available now.

Fast Start Option

If you need community service hours and you want to get started right away, we can help you. To get started now- send a text to (630) 228-6054 Be sure to include your name, where you went to court, where you live now, and how many hours you need. When we receive your information we will find the best option for you to get started right away and text you back with the details. This is the fastest way to get started!

Full Service Option

We offer a full service option for people who need To start getting their community service hours done right away. Our full-service option includes us searching for community service friendly non profits in your area, providing a list to help you to find a location, helping you to complete hours on schedule, keeping your records and updating the courts until you’re finished. With this option you are guaranteed hours every week.

When you sign up for this full-service program you will be contacted either by text or by email by one of our community service professionals who will provide more instructions on your options and help you to get everything done as quickly and easily as possible . If you choose this option it will make getting your community service hours done much easier and we will do everything we can to help you get done quickly. This option cost $99 per month and includes your own personal community service expert who will help you to get your hours done on time.

Frequently asked Questions

Listed below are answers to questions we get all the time. Although we would like to help everyone, there are thousands of people currently struggling to find hours and we just cannot respond to everyones individual questions. Please sign up for our Full Service program and then we can answer all your questions.

What exactly can we do for you ?

- That's a great question! If this is your first time doing community service hours you may not be famaliar with our service. What we do is we maintain a really big list of 501c(3) non-profit organization who welcome community service workers. We have agreements with many of these organizations to collect your information and schedule you for hours. Some of these locations may also have online work that you can complete from home. We also have all the sign-in sheets, time logs and completion letters to prove you finished your hours. We can keep track of your completed hours online and update the courts with your progress.

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